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So in case you were wondering (which we know you weren't) being a lawyer can get old - fast.

We've done it. But when COVID struck, we knew it was time for a change. Life is too fast, too precious, too BIG to spend behind a desk in a lonely office. It was that realization that brought Big Glam Nation to life.

We went on a mission to build something that would be full of life for both you - and us. We've spent hours, days, months working to find out what you wanted. We pitched ourselves, quite literally, to young women all in coffee shops to photograph you in our earliest product photos. And it has been the most incredible experience - because we've learned just how generous, beautiful, and spirited you all are.

The result? We showcase and feature all forms of beauty and glam because we know that you are a collage of many things. We ponder endlessly over visuals, colors, and every bit of our brand's chosen forms of expression because we know that you are moved by it.

So lets connect
& rule bgn

Our products, our vision, our brand - is truly a never-ending collaboration
with you:

Women of all shapes, sizes, and colors who have shown us they are
bold, feminine, and achieve self-expression and empowerment by embracing their authentic beauty and inspiring others to do the same.

We want that collaboration, partnership, and community to continue growing. Let's RULE BIG GLAM NATION TOGETHER.

8 Tips for Better Beauty Sleep

8 Tips for Better Beauty Sleep

Hey sweetheart - your sleep is everything. Here's 8 ways to keep is dreamy.
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Nail Care!

Nail Care!

You're only as GLAM as you are healthy. So don't forget to pamper yourself. Here are some tried and true but basic nail care tips that'll keep them perfect.
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Is Your Hairbrush Damaging Your Hair?

Is Your Hairbrush Damaging Your Hair?

Is your hairbrush damaging your hair? Sometimes it's not the style, girly. It's the tool.
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